Create a recurring order

Create a new recurring order.
•'Frequence': Either '0' (Daily), '1' (Weekly), '2' (Monthly) or '99' (Never).
•'DaysOfWeek': An array of string that contains the days of the week. Sunday is '0', then Monday '1', etc.
Should be left empty when 'RecurrenceFrenquence is 'Daily'.
•'DaysOfMonth': An array of string that contains the CRON template for the day of the month. Must be a value that
comes from the 'monthly-repeat-options' endpoint. Should be left empty when 'RecurrenceFrenquence is 'Daily' or 'Weekly'.
Note that Basic Authentication is required for all requests as such,
make sure to provide the Authorization header with a valid value.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!