Import a schedules file. This will replace all existing schedules of the route plan.

This endpoint is only relevant for ZipBased route plans.

The ZoneId, RouteRecurrenceId, DefaultDriverNumber, IsDisabled are only filled in below the Schedule Information row which contain Day, Start, OrderCreationCutoffDay, OrderCreationCutoffTime, PickupCutoffTime columns. These will only be used if using Route Recurrences and should not be used if importing Schedules only.

Day: The Schedule day is the day that the Route will run. The week day start with Sunday and is entered as 1, Monday is entered as 2, up to Saturday which is entered as 6.
Start: The Time on the Schedule day that the Route will run. Entered in time format hh:mm AM/PM (09:00 AM or 04:00 PM)
OrderCreationCutoffDay: Entered as a number from 0 to -7 where 0 represents today. If using a Route Plan, this is used to prevent Orders that are created after a certain day to be assigned to the Route in this Schedule. The orders will be assigned to the next available Schedule. If using Route Recurrences, this is used to calculate the day the Route Recurrence Orders are created with respect to the Day when the Route is run.
OrderCreationCutoffTime: Entered in time format hh:mm AM/PM (09:00 AM or 04:00 PM). If using a Route Plan, this is used in conjunction with the OrderCreationCutOffDay to prevent orders created after that day and time to be assigned to the Route in this Schedule. The orders will be assigned to the next available Schedule. If using Route Recurrences, this is used to calculate, with the the OrderCeationCutOffDay, the day and time the Route Recurrence Orders are created with respect to the Day when the Route is run.
PickupCutOffTime: Entered in time format hh:mm AM/PM (09:00 AM or 04:00 PM). If using a Route Plan, this is used to prevent Orders that have a Pickup time after this time.

On the subsequent rows, enter the Route Recurrences information, leaving the first 4 columns empty.

ZoneId: The Zone as entered in the Zone section. This will become the Route that the Orders will be assigned to.
RouteRecurrenceId: The Route Recurrence Id can be found by opening a Route Recurrence in Recurrences. The Id is found above the Recurrence Name.
DefaultDriverNumber: This is the Driver Number which should override the default Driver associated to the Zone. If this is left blank, the Driver assigned to the Zone will be used.
IsDisabled: Entered as TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, the Route Recurrence will run. If TRUE, the Route Recurrence will not run.

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